Spring is here! Flowers are blooming, the sun is out, and the snow is gone. People are spending more time outside and enjoying nature. However, the change in seasons also brings along the boogie man of spring: allergies.
Dealing with allergies can be frustrating, but you can take steps to make sure they don’t ruin your spring.
No matter if you’ve been dealing with allergies your whole life or you’re feeling the symptoms for the first time, doing the following can help you get through the season with as little sneezing as possible!
- Wash your hands frequently, and especially after being outdoors. If you’ve been outside for a long time, taking a shower will help wash any allergens away and prevent you from spreading them around your home.
- Wear sunglasses when you’re enjoying everything nature has to offer. Sunglasses provide protection against irritants.
- Make sure you’re checking the pollen levels in your area daily. You should try to plan your outdoor activities for when the pollen count is lowest.
- It’s not the most fun way to experience the season; but you should avoid opening your windows as much as possible, as it will increase the amount of allergens entering your home or vehicle.
- Make sure you eat foods that are known to fight inflammation. Foods that can help combat allergy symptoms include apples, flax seed, ginger, leafy greens, walnuts and anything high in vitamin C.
- Talk to your doctor. There are a variety of prescription and over-the-counter medications that could help bring you some much-needed relief.
At all ISL communities, we emphasize an adventurous lifestyle that gets residents outdoors and enjoying all that life has to offer. Itchy eyes and sore throats shouldn’t stand in the way of a beautiful hike or day at the park!