

Recently in the news there have been several reports linking the MIND diet and the prevention of Alzheimer’s.  Researchers have discovered that those who boasted a diet with plenty of berries, leafy greens and fish saw a major drop in their risk of Alzheimer’s. MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It’s similar to two other healthy meal plans: the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet. Read more at

Is It Time to Start Looking for a Senior Living Community?

Many seniors and their families tend to put off the decision to look into the possibility of moving into a senior living community. The process can seem overwhelming, triggering anxieties about loss of independence, affordability, change of lifestyle—and, in the near term, the difficult logistics of moving. But senior-care experts like us know how to help refer families to the best choices. We assist loved one and those looking for themselves with concerns about the ability to live independently. We are here to help you start the search for senior living options.

One thing we’d like to stress is that there are many more senior living options available today than there were even a decade ago. More than ever, there is a focus on personalizing the living experience for every resident. Lifestyle options are tailored to individual needs and preferences, so residents can choose from the many services and amenities available to them.

The ideal time to begin to look is at least six months to a year before the move will become necessary. Waiting until your loved one is in urgent need of regular care may narrow your choices.