Mountain Ridge Senior Living knows a thing or two about making life vibrant for its residents through its innovative Vibrant Life® program developed by ISL. The Vibrant Life program consists of four Signature Programs developed as a way to help ensure the community provides quality programming that contributes to the overall well-being and self-worth of its residents. One component of the program is “Livin’ the Dream” designed to take residents dreams and make them a reality. Well, the staff at Mountain Ridge did just this recently for one resident, Belle Willis.
Belle’s 94th birthday was on the horizon, and staff asked the bright presence and Marine veteran at the assisted living community what she wanted for her birthday.
“I said I wanted to drive the Mountain Ridge bus, never dreaming ever that there would be a chance,” Willis explained.
Cheryl Schmid, senior vibrant life director at Mountain Ridge started working on making her wish come true through their “Livin’ the Dream” program. Schmidt contacted the local high school for permission to use one of their parking lots as the driving course. The family was notified with more than a dozen showing up, and residents were bussed over to cheer Willis as she drove.
With a seatbelt secured over her bright red blouse, Willis adjusted her driving cap and reached to grip the gearshift lever, pulling it toward her. Willis hit the horn twice and let her foot off the brake letting out a loud “yahoo,” starting her first lap around the parking lot.
The Ogden Police Department even took part in the day presenting Belle with a certificate in recognition of “her completion of the Mountain Ridge Driving Course.”
After her drive, Belle sat in her wheelchair taking photos and visiting with family.
“This is all so wonderful, and the people there — they are just top notch,” Belle said of the Mountain Ridge staff.
As for any future plans of adventure, she isn’t so sure. “I wanted to live to be 100, but I don’t know,” Willis said with a grin, “If I keep pulling stunts like this, I won’t be able to make it.”
To learn and see more about Belle’s “Livin the Dream” check out the wonderful video at
ISL communities are assisting residents to live the Vibrant Life®! To learn more about Vibrant Life, contact any ISL community near you